

These pages serve as the official documentation for the NumericalTypeAliases.jl Julia package. The purpose of this package is to provide a set of common numerical type aliases for the development of other Julia packages.

See the Package Guide for full usage of the package.

Documentation Outline

This documentation is split into the following sections:

The Package Guide provides a tutorial to the full usage of the package. Instructions on how to contribute to the package are found in Contributing. See the Index for the complete list of documented functions and types.

Documentation Build

This documentation was built using Documenter.jl with the following version and OS:

NumericalTypeAliases v0.2.3 docs built 2023-05-18T21:25:31.728 with Julia 1.9.0 on Linux


If you make use of this project, please generate your citation with the CITATION.cff file of the repository. Alternatively, you may use the following BibTeX entry for the JOSS paper associated with the repository:

  doi = {10.5281/zenodo.7183296},
  url = {https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7183296},
  author = {Sasha Petrenko},
  title = {NumericalTypeAliases.jl: A Julia Package for Function Dispatch on Numerical Types},