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This example demonstrates the usage of a START module. This module is tested on a modified symbolic Iris dataset as a proof of concept, but it is capable of working on arbitrary symbolic datasets.


First, we load some dependencies:

# Import the OAR project module
using OAR

Next, we can load the Iris dataset in a modified symbolic form:

# All-in-one function
fs, bnf = OAR.symbolic_iris()
(OAR.VectoredDataSplit{GSymbol{String}, Int64}: dim=4, n_train=105, n_test=45:
train_x: (105,) Vector{Vector{GSymbol{String}}}
test_x: (45,) Vector{Vector{GSymbol{String}}}
train_y: (105,) Vector{Int64}
test_y: (45,) Vector{Int64}
, OAR.CFG{String}(N:4, S:4, P:4, T:40))

We can finally initialize the START module using the grammar that we have describing the symbolic Iris dataset:

# Initialize the START module
gramart = OAR.START(bnf)
START(ProtoNode[], OAR.CFG{String}(N:4, S:4, P:4, T:40), OAR.opts_START
  rho: Float64 0.7
  alpha: Float64 0.001
  beta: Float64 1.0
  epochs: Int64 1
  terminated: Bool false
, Int64[], Float64[], Float64[], Dict{String, Any}("n_categories" => 0, "n_clusters" => 0, "n_instance" => Int64[]))


Now that we have a START module, we should process the training dataset:

# Cluster the statements
for statement in fs.train_x
    OAR.train!(gramart, statement)

In fact, we can also do a simple supervised version of the training if labels are available. Let's do that with another module:

# Initialize the START module
gramart_supervised = OAR.START(bnf)
# Set the vigilance low for generalization
gramart_supervised.opts.rho = 0.05
# Train in supervised mode
for ix in eachindex(fs.train_x)
    sample = fs.train_x[ix]
    label = fs.train_y[ix]
    OAR.train!(gramart_supervised, sample, y=label)


Now let's see what's inside the first module:

# Inspect the module
@info "Number of categories: $(length(gramart.protonodes))"
[ Info: Number of categories: 53

We can also see how the supervised training went by classifying the test data and computing the performance:

# Classification
y_hat = zeros(Int, length(fs.test_y))
for ix in eachindex(fs.test_x)
    sample = fs.test_x[ix]
    y_hat[ix] = OAR.classify(gramart_supervised, sample, get_bmu=true)

# Calculate performance
perf = OAR.AdaptiveResonance.performance(y_hat, fs.test_y)
@info "Supervised testing performance: $(perf)"
[ Info: Supervised testing performance: 0.9111111111111111

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