Simple Experiment
This example shows how to run the Julia
experiments in the OAR
project. Experiments in the Julia
component of the project are implemented as Julia
scripts that load the OAR
module as a source library and subsequently implement a particular experiment.
These experiments are enumerated under the scripts/
folder with a number and shorthand name for the experiment. READMEs populate this directory to provide context, explanation, and instructions for each experiment.
You may run one of these experiments by initiating a Julia REPL and "including" the script (which simply inserts the contents of the script directly into the session and runs it). This example points to the relative location of an experiment with respect to this example file, so you may need to adjust how you reference the experiment:
# Include/run an experiment that generates a random statement from a discretized Iris dataset grammar
include(joinpath("..", "..", "..", "..", "scripts", "0_init", "ebnf.jl"))
[ Info: GSymbol{String}[GSymbol{String}("SL9", true), GSymbol{String}("SW4", true), GSymbol{String}("PL2", true), GSymbol{String}("PW3", true)]
The above script very importantly includes the preamble
# using DrWatson
# @quickactivate :OAR
which makes sure that the correct context is set up and that the OAR module containing experiment driver code is precompiled. This example will now reactivate the docs
package because running the above example activates the top-level OAR
# Reactivate the documentation for future examples
using Pkg
Pkg.activate(joinpath("..", "..", "..", "..", "docs"))
Activating project at `~/work/OAR/OAR/docs`
This page was generated using DemoCards.jl and Literate.jl.