Basic Example

This page demonstrates a full basic example of an AdaptiveResonance.jl workflow. In the example below, we create a dataset generated from two multivariate Gaussian distributions in two dimensions, showing how an ART module can be used in unsupervised or simple supervised modes alongside an ARTMAP module that is explicitly supervised-only.

For more examples that you can run yourself in Julia notebooks, see the Examples page.

# Copyright © 2021 Alexander L. Hayes
# MIT License

using AdaptiveResonance
using Distributions, Random
using MLDataUtils
using Plots

Demonstrates Unsupervised DDVFA, Supervised DDVFA, and (Supervised) SFAM on a toy problem
with two multivariate Gaussians.

# Setup two multivariate Gaussians and sampling 1000 points from each.

rng = MersenneTwister(1234)
dist1 = MvNormal([0.0, 6.0], [1.0 0.0; 0.0 1.0])
dist2 = MvNormal([4.5, 6.0], [2.0 -1.5; -1.5 2.0])

N_POINTS = 1000

X = hcat(rand(rng, dist1, N_POINTS), rand(rng, dist2, N_POINTS))
y = vcat(ones(Int64, N_POINTS), zeros(Int64, N_POINTS))

p1 = scatter(X[1,:], X[2,:], group=y, title="Original Data")

(X_train, y_train), (X_test, y_test) = stratifiedobs((X, y))

# Standardize data types
X_train = convert(Matrix{Float64}, X_train)
X_test = convert(Matrix{Float64}, X_test)
y_train = convert(Vector{Int}, y_train)
y_test = convert(Vector{Int}, y_test)

# Unsupervised DDVFA
art = DDVFA()
train!(art, X_train)
y_hat_test = AdaptiveResonance.classify(art, X_test)
p2 = scatter(X_test[1,:], X_test[2,:], group=y_hat_test, title="Unsupervised DDVFA")

# Supervised DDVFA
art = DDVFA()
train!(art, X_train, y=y_train)
y_hat_test = AdaptiveResonance.classify(art, X_test)
p3 = scatter(X_test[1,:], X_test[2,:], group=y_hat_test, title="Supervised DDVFA", xlabel="Performance: " * string(round(performance(y_hat_test, y_test); digits=3)))

# Supervised SFAM
art = SFAM()
train!(art, X_train, y_train)
y_hat_test = AdaptiveResonance.classify(art, X_test)
p4 = scatter(X_test[1,:], X_test[2,:], group=y_hat_test, title="Supervised SFAM", xlabel="Performance: " * string(round(performance(y_hat_test, y_test); digits=3)))

# Performance Measure + display the plots
plot(p1, p2, p3, p4, layout=(1, 4), legend = false, xtickfontsize=6, xguidefontsize=8, titlefont=font(8))
Example block output