
This project implements a number of ART-based models with options that modulate their behavior (see the options section of the Guide)

This page lists both the implemented models and some of their variants

Implemented Models

This project has implementations of the following ART (unsupervised) and ARTMAP (supervised) modules:

  • ART
    • FuzzyART: Fuzzy ART
    • DVFA: Dual Vigilance Fuzzy ART
    • DDVFA: Distributed Dual Vigilance Fuzzy ART
    • SFAM: Simplified Fuzzy ARTMAP
    • FAM: Fuzzy ARTMAP


Each module contains many options that modulate its behavior. Some of these options are used to modulate the internals of the module, such as switching the match and activation functions, to achieve different modules that are found in the literature.

These variants are:

Gamma-Normalized FuzzyART

A Gamma-Normalized FuzzyART is implemented as a FuzzyART module where the gamma normalization option is set on gamma_normalization=true and the kernel width parameter is set to $\gamma >= 1.0$ ($\gamma_{ref}$ is 1.0 by default). It can be created with the convenience constructor:

my_gnfa = GammaNormalizedFuzzyART()

Under the hood, this simply does

my_gnfa = FuzzyART(gamma_normalization=true)

which also sets the match and activation function options to match=:gamma_match and activation=:gamma_activation, respectively.

Default ARTMAP

A Default ARTMAP is implemented as a Simplified FuzzyARTMAP module where the activation function is set to Default ARTMAP's choice-by difference function via activation=:choice_by_difference. It can be created with the convenience constructor:

my_dam = DAM()

Under the hood, this simply does

my_dam = SFAM(activation=:choice_by_difference)